Inspired by the magical transmission of the Gene Keys by Richard Rudd

You can catch the replays here 👇

This is your invitation to Shadow School

We'll contemplate each of the shadows (and gifts & siddhis) of the 64 Gene Keys.

The Gene Keys is a modern synthesis of an ancient wisdom system called the I Ching that contains universal archetypes of human consciousness.

Why Shadow School?

We're in a time of great change.

To co-create a future built on love, we need to unlock higher levels of consciousness. 

We achieve this by allowing, accepting, and embracing our shadows:

👉 those bits of ourselves we've deemed unworthy or unlovable

👉 parts of ourselves we've hidden, ignored, dimmed, or silenced

👉 areas where we carry shame or a feeling of vulnerability

LOVING ALL OF OUR PARTS into wholeness is the practice that helps us move from a collective consciousness rooted in fear toward a collective consciousness grounded in love and peace. 

Shadow School Replays

Where to find Shadow School