Gene Keys Resources & Support

Courses, books & guidance to support your Gene Keys journey

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The Golden Path Program

Discover Your Genius

Activation Sequence Course

  • A step-by-step guide through your Hologenetic Profile

  • Highlights your four Prime Gifts

  • Supports you to fulfill your life’s Purpose while remaining deeply grounded in the Core Stability of your physical body

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Open Your Heart

Venus Sequence Course

  • Shows you how to find freedom and lasting love through your relationships through understanding and releasing old negative patterns, and fully opening your heart

  • Dive deep into the 6 Gene Keys in your Venus Sequence

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Liberate Your Prosperity

Pearl Sequence Course

  • A guide through how you’re meant to catalyze prosperity in the world, both through creative collaboration and by finding the courage to enact the dream of your higher purpose

  • Your Pearl Sequence guides you towards true prosperity by helping you to find your Core Vocation

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Gene Keys Books

Gene Keys

A detailed map for understanding each of the 64 Gene Keys at the shadow, gift and siddhi frequency levels

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The 64 Ways

A personal journey through each of the Gene Keys delivered by Richard Rudd

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The Art of Contemplation

Support your growth by learning the meta-skill of contemplation

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