Empowered Women Empower Women: My Interview with Michelle Mekky

This article is part of the Authentic Leader Interview Series created by Breean Elyse Miller.


Michelle Mekky has spent her career helping other people -- top CEOs, spokespeople, politicians and even chefs -- get to the heart of their authentic stories.

After spending 25 years in PR, Michelle took a leap. In 2016, she founded Mekky Media, an agency built on trust and authenticity, which has seen tremendous growth year after year. She was even honored with a Bronze medal for Entrepreneur of the Year - Women in Business at the 2018 Stevie Awards.

Michelle brings authenticity to the work that she does and to how she leads her business and her team.

In this interview, we explore:

  • Why authenticity is key to success

  • How empowered women empower other women (it's when the magic happens)

  • Why taking makeup-free selfies can be freeing

Without further ado, here's my interview with Michelle Mekky.


Breean: As the Founder & CEO of Mekky Media Relations, you help your clients tell their authentic stories day in and day out.

When did you realize that authenticity was the key to success in public relations and as a leader?

Michelle: This truly came to me later in my career. I always knew that emotion and humanity are the keys to a good story, but as a leader, this really became evident when I started my own business. I have worked for many leaders in PR but I found that my special power is making connections with people and that only really happens by being authentic.

I pride myself on compassionate leadership and have formed a culture that is based on trust, authenticity, and passion. We work hard but we always have respect for each other and our clients. When we don’t agree we are authentic about how we feel and don’t pretend that we are OK. By getting to the heart of the issues we have found success. In fact, when forming my business, I created authenticity as one of our core values.

Breean: Empowered women empower women. Tell us about how stepping into your own authenticity has helped you become empowered and empower other women. 

Michelle: I grew up very insecure about my looks and my ability to stand out and lead. I was always pretending I was someone else or putting on a front that I was ok. After surviving cancer and losing my job, both things truly shook me to the core and made me feel like I needed to shed the worry and insecurity and just be myself if I wanted to be healthy and find my true passion.

Deciding to take a risk and start my company has given me so much reward. Also, employing mostly women has been incredible! I am empowering younger women and mentoring them to excel in PR. The industry is very competitive and fraught with women who aren’t supportive of each other. I have felt it and witnessed it. But when true support exists, magic happens.

Breean: Vulnerability is so powerful, yet many people struggle to take off their armor out of fear. You’ve written about going makeup-free and sharing your stories through blogging.

What other ways do you exercise and strengthen your vulnerability muscle?

Michelle: I have been honest with my team when I am disappointed or unhappy or when I made a mistake. Always acting like everything is OK is not being an authentic leader. On social media, I have learned people crave connection but they want authentic connections. I get more feedback when I am honest about my weaknesses and worries and truly show my humanity.

Breean: Kudos on launching a series focused on mental health and wellbeing for your team!

Could you share more about what mental health and wellbeing look like at your company?

Michelle: I am extremely proud of this initiative I launched in 2020. Each month we hold an event, outing or initiative based on wellness. We have had private yoga, sessions with an intuitive on goal setting for the year, healthy cooking demos, and much more ahead. I even booked a yoga session on Zoom for the team during this quarantine and I am thrilled! Paying attention to my team's health and wellness is truly healing for me as well. 

Breean: Building on my previous question, how do you foster a sense of belonging for your team amidst a society suffering from disconnection and loneliness?

Michelle: This is an ongoing challenge given most of my team works remotely. I schedule one-on-one sessions with each team member weekly, and we use Zoom so everyone can connect. We have monthly global meetings where we spend a few hours together.

I also initiated the Mekky Media Compliment Jar which promotes positive feedback for each other and lifts us higher. In all of my years leading I know people crave positive feedback, which can be extremely motivating.

Breean: Which business leaders are your “expanders” or role models? Why do they inspire you?

Michelle: Ariana Huffington for being so insightful and a phenomenal writer. Jennifer Lopez for just being a wonder in all she does, and Oprah who was my first inspiration and has been one of the most authentic leaders I know. She is always herself and has truly inspired me to go after my dreams.

Breean: What is one small shift or tiny act of rebellion that anyone can do to be more authentic?

Michelle: Good question! I say go makeup-free, take a selfie, post it and celebrate it!


Michelle Mekky is an award-winning entrepreneur, veteran PR guru with 25+ years of experience, and the founder of Mekky Media, an agency built on trust.

Where to find Michelle: Website | Instagram | LinkedIn | YouTube

Breean Elyse Miller

Breean is a Higher Self Strategist and the founder of Muse & Method.
Through mentorship, transformational ceremonies, and engaging workshops, Breean helps high achievers make friends with their egos and learn to lead as their higher selves.

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