Sound Circle: Unmute your voice with Rachel Druckenmiller

What is the ripple effect of muting your voice?

You lose out on joy and expression.

You rob others of the opportunity to be a contribution in your life.

You bottle up your hopes and dreams and desires.

Rachel Druckenmiller, CEO & Founder of Unmuted, joined me on Instagram Live for a Sound Circle you won’t want to miss!

Unmuting yourself has a ripple effect in your life and in the lives of others.

Rachel shared:

  • her story of withdrawal and how she muted herself in childhood

  • how singing in a choir made her feel alive

  • that she and her husband bonded over music and have helped each other become unmuted throughout their relationship

  • how muting ourselves is another form of “I’m superwoman” energy, where we strive and struggle ourselves into burnout without being able to ask for help


  • a simple vocal warmup to bring more depth to your voice

  • a hakuna matata sing-a-long

  • a gorgeous performance by Rachel at the end of the Circle

Breean Elyse Miller

Breean is a Higher Self Strategist and the founder of Muse & Method.
Through mentorship, transformational ceremonies, and engaging workshops, Breean helps high achievers make friends with their egos and learn to lead as their higher selves.

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There’s a difference between struggle and suffering


Sound Circle: Shine loudly with Amanda Bonnell